You Are A Master Of Joy
At times we forget that we are naturally masters of curiosity, joy and optimism. We all come equipped this way from the beginning of our...

Finding Clarity
When looking to solve a challenging issue in life, every one of us can get caught up in different narratives and scenarios that play out...

We Don't Need to Solve Our Emotions
When we experience intense emotions we often think they’re going to last a long time and never leave us. (Like the top diagram in the...

How Does Your Wisdom Communicate ?
Thought that always nudges us in subtle ways is how wisdom communicates with us. It’s lighthearted, fresh and and has a sense of deep...

Enjoy Being Who You Are
We are so trained and conditioned by the world around us to wait to start until we are “perfect” so that we can reach a “perfect” result...

Which Thoughts Do You Engage With ?
The realities that we operate from in each moment are shaped by the thinking we are believing in that Moment, which is a trick of the...